What happened between Geagea and the army commander?

Al-Jadeed channel reported today, Tuesday, that Army Commander Joseph Aoun, on the eve of the killing of Lebanese Forces leader Pascal Suleiman, called the head of the Lebanese Forces, Samir Geagea, noting that “the call was positive and constructive and led to Geagea calling on his supporters to open the roads.” And calm down.”

Al-Jadeed reported that Aoun said something to the Maronite Patriarch Mar Beshara Boutros al-Rahi, words that contributed to the latter’s relief regarding the recent events, and added: “The Patriarch will preside over the burial ceremony of Suleiman next Friday, and his sermon will be balanced, not escalatory, in which he will call for the perpetrators to be tried, the most severe punishment to be imposed, and civil peace to be maintained.” And do not invest this incident in politics.”

Likewise, Al-Jadeed said, “Efforts to calm the situation took place not only with the Lebanese Forces, but also with Hezbollah, especially after the speech of the party’s Secretary General, Mr. Hassan Nasrallah, yesterday.”


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