To elect a president who will reactivate constitutional institutions and regularize their work

The head of the Lebanese Democratic Party, Talal Arslan, met in his home in Khaldeh with the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil, accompanied by MPs Cesar Abi Khalil and Ghassan Atallah, in the presence of Majeed Arslan and a member of the party’s political council, former Minister Saleh Al-Gharib. During the meeting, the latest developments were presented. On the local and regional arenas.

According to a statement by the Democratic Party’s Information Directorate, the attendees discussed “the priority of electing a president of the republic who will reactivate constitutional institutions and regularize their work.” They denounced the crime of kidnapping and killing the citizen Pascal Suleiman, stressing the need to uncover the circumstances of the crime and hold the perpetrators accountable.

They stressed “the importance of working to protect civil peace and stability in the country, especially in light of the exceptional circumstances it is going through.”

Arslan kept Basil and those present at the lunch table.

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