Stop the sedition

The killing of the official in the Lebanese Forces party, Pascal Suleiman, may have been just an accident like all similar incidents resulting from the absence of the role of the state, its institutions and its agencies. Those who planned and implemented it may have hidden goals in a country where security is exposed, and among these goals is to create sectarian or sectarian strife. This is how temptations usually begin. This is how it works to light its fire.

Whoever committed this crime knows full well that it will not pass without a random reaction, which may be justified in its circumstances and nature, because the Lebanese, ironed by the milk of wars and senseless strife, blows on the milk of “flying birds,” especially since the years of horrific war are full of such events.
But the most important thing is to miss the opportunity for those who take pleasure in dragging the Lebanese into strife that they do not want. This matter can only be achieved through heroic actions such as the reaction of President Sheikh Amin Gemayel following the assassination of his son, Minister Pierre Gemayel.
These positions are needed today more than ever, in order to prevent those who try to fish in troubled waters.
The crime is condemned and denounced, and is unacceptable neither legally, nor morally, nor humanly. However, being drawn into this dirty game may be like someone who knows where the danger lies and goes towards it with his own two feet. Thus, the planners of this sedition have achieved their dirty goals.
The security services are required to strike with an iron hand, and this is what they are doing. This time, what is required is to reveal the truth as it is, because any mistake may lead to undesirable consequences.
What is required of the “Lebanese Forces” before others is a courageous stance, as they are keen, like many others, for civil peace and stability.
Sedition is an absolute evil. Those who implement it do not want what is good for this tortured country, which is suffering and struggling to stay alive.


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