Pressure in the displacement file after the killing of Suleiman

It was stated in “Al-Liwaa”:

Sources indicated to Al-Liwaa that the killing of the “Forces” coordinator in Jbeil, Pascal Suleiman, will have repercussions in terms of pressure on the Syrian displacement issue and border control.

She pointed out that with regard to the “Forces”, what was discussed regarding the launching of accusations by its officials before the circumstances of Suleiman’s fate became clear is out of place, and since the group that was arrested admitted to killing him, preparations for his funeral ceremonies are underway, provided that the position on the issue of extremism is The state’s imposition of its authority and strengthening of its procedures will not change.

It was reported that a series of positions by a number of officials were issued one after the other amid turmoil in Jubaili Street, as well as among Suleiman’s supporters, as a series of movements may take their course at a later time.

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