The “party” operates as a military base affiliated with Iran

Representative Ghassan Hasbani pointed out “the economic, social, and security repercussions of the confrontations taking place in southern Lebanon between Hezbollah and Israel, which came without consulting the Lebanese or a decision from the legitimate authority,” considering that “Hezbollah operates as a military base that covenants with Iran, and it is the one that makes the escalation decision.” Or calm down with Israel.”

In an interview with the “Without Chains” program on BBC Arabic, Hasbani stressed that “the Lebanese army is the only body that enjoys the legitimacy to carry weapons.”

Regarding the presidential vacancy, he believed that “the best way to overcome the obstacle of the current political crisis is to resort to the House of Representatives and implement the constitutional text by convening its members in accordance with the constitutional text, achieving the required quorum, and electing the president.”

He explained that “the insistence of the opposing parties on holding a political dialogue regarding filling the presidential vacancy before going to the Council aims to reach an agreement on a candidate or impose their candidate on others and confirm him before going to the Council.”

Regarding the economic situation, Hasbani expressed his regret “at the inability of the caretaker government to find a plan or develop law proposals and refer them to the House of Representatives to implement the agreement reached with the International Monetary Fund. Instead, the government developed a truncated plan that was nullified by the Shura Council.”

«This is the real goal of the Israeli aggression against the Iranian consulate in Damascus


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