After spotting a flying saucer in the sky of New York… American authorities open an urgent investigation (video)

A video circulating on social media raised speculation about a “flying saucer” in the airspace of New York, prompting the American authorities to open an urgent investigation.

Passenger Michelle Reyes, who was on a commercial flight over LaGuardia Airport on March 25, captured a video of a mysterious “flying cylinder” from the window.

“The first thing I did was email the FAA letting them know what I saw,” she said. “It may have been a safety risk, but unfortunately I did not hear back from them, and they did not recognize my email.”

The passenger indicated that another person on the plane also saw the object and was astonished, adding: “It is unnerving for someone else to see what I saw.”

Meanwhile, Thomas Wertman, director of the Mutual UFO Network in Ohio, reviewed the circulating footage and said the object was moving at approximately 2,500 feet, and was “relatively close” to the plane as it prepared to land.

Wertman added that the object’s height, shape and location near a major commercial flight path made it unlikely it was a helicopter, drone or military aircraft.

“Drones are not supposed to fly at that altitude, at least legally,” Wertman said. “If it’s military defense or law enforcement, you wouldn’t normally see it so close to a major air corridor.”

“It could be a potential danger,” added the man who has spent years searching for evidence of interplanetary visitors. “It doesn’t appear to be a commercial plane because I don’t see features like wings or tail.”

He said the plane Reyes was on was about 15 minutes from LaGuardia Airport and was likely traveling at 230 mph when the video was filmed.

Meanwhile, an official at the Federal Aviation Administration said yesterday, Thursday, that the agency “has no reports” from pilots about the mysterious accident, adding that a specialized team has been assigned to research and investigate the matter. (RT)


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