Elon Musk’s wealth exceeds Mark Zuckerberg again.. How much is it?

The wealth of Meta company founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg decreased by $20 billion as his company’s shares declined, allowing American billionaire Elon Musk, owner of Tesla, to strengthen his position as the third richest billionaire in the world.

Meta shares fell by up to 16%, Thursday, in New York, after the social media platform suggested that “second-quarter sales will be less than estimates.”

The decline in Zuckerberg’s net worth, which lasted for one day, is the fourth largest decline ever associated with stock movement among those in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, as his wealth now stands at $155 billion.

Musk made profits worth $400 million, bringing his wealth to $178 billion, as Tesla shares continued to rise.

The two billionaires switched their rankings earlier this month, when Zuckerberg overtook Musk for the first time since 2020, after news of a decline in Tesla shares in the three months until last March.

Meta shares witnessed their largest decline since October 2022, after the company increased its spending estimates for this year. (the East)

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