A decision by the Minister of Finance for these taxpayers… This is what it says

Minister of Finance Youssef Al-Khalil issued a decision requiring obligated taxpayers to submit the personal income tax declaration, Form F1, via the electronic tax system.

It stated:
Article One: All taxpayers who are required to submit a personal income tax declaration (Form F1) must submit this declaration electronically through the electronic tax system, starting in the year 2023.

Article Two: Taxpayers who do not have electronic personal keys (user name, password, and secret code) can access the following Ministry of Finance website: (eservices.finance.gov.lb), and fill out the approved form to register a real person registration request and send it electronically.

Article Three: The Central Taxpayers Services and Information Department and the Taxpayers Services departments and branches affiliated with the Directorate of Imports and the Regional Financial Services in the governorates shall provide taxpayers with the electronic personal keys (user name, password and secret code) that authorize them to use the electronic declaration service.

Article Four: Lebanon Post Company S.A.L. will stop receiving paper permits (Form F1) as of the 2023 business year, with the exception of taxpayers who have a special fiscal year, and taxpayers who submitted a cessation of work permit as of the year during which the cessation of work took place. .

Article Five: This decision will be effective from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette, and will also be published on the Ministry of Finance’s website.

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