Was Azrael executed in Sednaya prison, Aws al-Salloum?

Social media accounts circulated a video clip, which its publishers claimed documented the moment of the execution of Aws Salloum, nicknamed “Azrael Saydnaya.”

Many former detainees described Salloum as one of the most cruel prison guards in Saydnaya Prison, and that he was creative in devising torture methods.

Searching for the truth, Misbar, an anti-rumours and fake news website, found that the circulating video is misleading and does not document Salloum’s execution.

It turned out that the video documents the moment of the execution of Ibrahim Muhammad Hamsho, a member of the regime of ousted President Bashar al-Assad, in the city of al-Bab, north of Aleppo, on January 2. (Arab TV)


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