Zakharova accuses Washington: You created ISIS

The official spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, announced today, Wednesday, that the United States has pushed itself into a complete dead end with its statements about the involvement of ISIS (banned in Russia) in the terrorist attack on the “Crocus City Hall” complex on the outskirts of Moscow.

Zakharova told Sputnik Radio today: “The fact that the Americans in the first 24 hours after the attack, even before the fire was put out, started screaming that this is not Ukraine, I think this is evidence. I cannot classify this in any other way, it is evidence in itself.” .

She added: “The second point is the United States’ cries that this is definitely the banned terrorist organization ISIS. Of course, the speed with which they did all this is amazing,” noting that within just a few hours, journalists were invited and the conclusion reached by Washington about who was involved in this was announced. The terrible, bloody terrorist attack.

She continued: “It seems to me that they led themselves to a complete dead end, because as soon as they started screaming that this is ISIS, all the people who specialize in international relations, who are scholars and political experts, remembered and asked everyone to remember, what is ISIS?” “You yourselves are behind ISIS. You – the United States and Britain – created it yourselves.”

The terrorist incident occurred on the evening of March 22 at the Crocus City Hall entertainment complex in Krasnogorsk, on the outskirts of Moscow, resulting in the death of at least 139 people. 11 people involved in the attack were arrested, including the four perpetrators of the attack. (Arabic)

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