Due to delayed salaries, Rafik Hariri Hospital employees will hold a protest gathering tomorrow
The Committee of Employees, Contractors and Staff of the Rafic Hariri Governmental University Hospital announced the holding of a protest gathering inside the hospital building tomorrow, Monday, in protest against the non-payment of their salaries.
She said in a statement: As we approach the middle of the month and the non-payment of monthly salaries to employees, in addition to the accumulation of monthly rights for more than a year, and with the hospital administration ignoring the employees’ demands and its management of their concerns, and the attempt of the Chairman of the Administrative Committee and some heads of departments, members of the Administrative Committee, to abuse the employees, who raised their voices. Objecting to the mismanagement of the hospital, demanding our rights and rejecting the adopted policy of oppression and threats, and within an open sit-in, hospital employees carry out a protest gathering inside the hospital building in the corridor leading from the medical department to the administration. Public at nine o’clock tomorrow morning, Monday.
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