Concern in Israel: Do Hezbollah’s capabilities allow it to strike the air defense formation?

Today, Tuesday, Israeli media reported estimates in the Israeli “military” that Hezbollah’s capabilities, as shown in the past eight months, and especially in the past month, “may allow it to strike the Air Force’s air defense formation.”

Israeli Channel 14 explained that these capabilities “may cause damage to the air defense formation,” noting that “such a scenario only exists if Hezbollah launches a surprise attack.”

She also stated that the past 24 hours “were strong in the north, especially with Hezbollah launching a large number of drones and anti-tank missiles.”

In turn, the military analyst for the Israeli Channel 14, Noam Amir, added, “The Israeli army admits that so far there is no good response to this challenge,” pointing out that Hezbollah “possesses striking capabilities, especially small drones that are launched over short ranges.” .

Israeli media indicated that “the Israeli army rejects criticism that the Air Force is not prepared to face the challenge of drones in the north,” and explains that for more than a decade “a lot of activities have been carried out and equipment has been provided to confront this challenge, but most of the investment has been directed toward the enemy’s heavy capabilities.” “.

“High capabilities in launching drones”
In the same context, the correspondent of the Israeli Channel 12 in the north said that Hezbollah “is expanding the firing range as well as the distances to reach Haifa and Hekeriot,” noting that “Hezbollah’s introduction of a march into Haifa for the first time since the start of the war is considered a very exceptional event.”

A broadcaster on the Israeli Channel 12 asked about “Hezbollah’s goal in sending a march to Haifa,” pointing out that “it seems as if Hezbollah has risen 14 levels on the scale of war.”

These estimates come after the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon – Hezbollah announced, yesterday, Monday, the downing of an Israeli drone in the skies of southern Lebanon.

The resistance statement confirmed that “while constantly monitoring and monitoring the enemy’s movement in Lebanese airspace, the Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance ambushed a Hormuz 900 drone armed with missiles to carry out attacks on the Lebanese regions.”

With the Islamic Resistance shooting down the “Hormuz 900” drone yesterday, the number of drones that the resistance has targeted and hit since the beginning of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” in Lebanon has risen to 3 of the “Hormuz 900” type, which fell successively in Deir Mimas, Deir Kifa, and in the Rayhan Heights.

This is in addition to two “Hormuz 450” drones, two of which were shot down in the Al-Rayhan Heights, and two “Skylark” drones that were shot down in the border area.

For its part, Israeli media considered that Hezbollah “is displaying high capabilities in launching drones in the direction of Israel,” and added that “the drones are launched by Hezbollah fighters, who often stand near the border.”

Israeli commentators explained that the drone “is moving at a relatively low altitude, and the radar knows how to determine the path it took and the speed at which it is traveling,” but the point of collision cannot be known with certainty, and it can only be estimated, revealing that “this is what causes the alarms to be activated in large areas.” “. (Al-Mayadeen)


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