His name is Rafael Hajjar. Biden’s granddaughter is in a relationship with a young man of Arab origin

British media revealed that Natalie Biden, the granddaughter of US President Joe Biden, is in a relationship with a young man of Arab origin named Rafael Hajjar.

Pictures spread of the two together for the first time, holding hands, during an official dinner hosted by the president at the White House in honor of Kenyan President William Ruto, and former presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama attended.

Other members of the Biden family were present, most notably his son Hunter and his granddaughters Naomi and Finnegan, in addition to Natalie, who attended her first official dinner accompanied by her lover, Rafael Hajjar.

Who is Rafael Hajjar?
British media revealed that Hajjar received his education in Britain at Wetherby High School in Westminster and Latime High School in Hammersmith. He also received short lessons in engineering at King’s College London and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and mathematics at the University of Westminster.

Syrian flag
Hajjar speaks Arabic, English, and French fluently, and posts an emoji of the Syrian flag on his Instagram account, followed by the French and British flags.

It is not clear where or how they met, but Hajjar and Biden’s granddaughter are scheduled to study at the University of Pennsylvania.

Natalie (19 years old) is the eldest daughter of Biden’s late son Beau, who died of cancer in 2015, and she is one of the US President’s seven grandchildren.

Hajjar plays cricket and tennis, and is also registered as a player on the University of Pennsylvania rugby team for the 2023-2024 season.

As for Biden’s granddaughter, she enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania this year after graduating from her school in Delaware, and she toured the campus with her grandfather in 2022. (Arabic)

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