After being exposed to sexual assault and blackmail… a minor commits suicide!

The General Directorate of Internal Security Forces – Public Relations Division announced that, “After the arrest campaign carried out by the Office for Combating Cybercrimes and Intellectual Property Protection in the Judicial Police Unit, against everyone proven to be involved in a case of sexual assaults on minors, data became available to the minor’s father (A.R.) .) Who committed suicide on 5/1/2024, about his son’s suicide.”

The Directorate added in a report: “Through the follow-up and investigations carried out by the aforementioned office, it became clear that the minor had been raped by A. K. (Born in 1979, Lebanese), nicknamed “APPO,” owns a clothing store in Bourj Hammoud. The victim had received three voice messages via the “WhatsApp” application that included threats sent by his minor companion (A.R.), a Lebanese man, via a cell phone belonging to a third minor. It is called (M.J.). The latter (A.R.) was the one who lured his companion (A.R.), the victim, to the clothing store, after he had previously been subjected, in turn, to rape and blackmail by a person named (B.N.), nicknamed “STEVEN.” By “APPO”, and that those who lured him to do so were the two minors (M.H.), a Syrian national, and (M.A.), a Turkish national, who work in the clothing store belonging to “APPO”. It also turned out that the victim (A.R.) had been blackmailed by someone nicknamed “STEVEN.”

She confirmed that “everyone whose name was mentioned above was arrested, with the exception of (B.N.), nicknamed “STEVEN,” who is outside the country, and against whom a search and investigation report was circulated. The detainees were transferred to the competent judiciary, based on his instructions.”

«Al-Murtada met with the journalist Joe Maalouf, Rabih Saba, and Maestro Ali Hassan


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