An artist visited the army commander and criticized Michel Aoun.. Who is he and what did he say?

Lebanese artist Ghassan Rahbani said that the Lebanese citizen must stop following news bulletins and not talk about corruption and electricity files in order to feel happy in Lebanon.

Rahbani considered that “the era of former President General Michel Aoun failed due to the interference of many parties in him and his decisions,” adding that he “does not feel sad about him.”

Regarding his frequent meetings with people from different political groups, Al-Rahbani said that he always seeks to maintain the relationships that bring him together with his friends from different political groups.

Rahbani also pointed out that he intended to go to visit the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, last summer and asked him specifically about the file of displaced Syrians.

Al-Rahbani commented on the killing of the Jbeil region coordinator in the “Lebanese Forces” party, Pascal Suleiman, saying: “After his martyrdom, the picture became blurry for me, and I do not know whether the Lebanese Forces have the right to expel Syrians from various regions.”

He continued: “I support the return of displaced Syrians, and the Lebanese have the right to feel angry after this incident.”

Regarding his going to the opera house in Syria, he said: “I go to all the places I want to go and I have no restrictions about that.”

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