A statement from Electricité du Liban.. This is what it says

The Electricité du Liban announced that it was informed on Thursday morning, 06/06/2024, that the Ministry of Finance had begun paying the dues owed by the General Directorate of the Presidency of the Republic, the General Secretariat of the House of Representatives and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in addition to the Bekaa Water Corporation for its electricity consumption during the period. The period from 11/01/2022 until 04/30/2023, amounting to about 134 billion liras out of the value of the advance amounting to about 6,850 billion (for electricity consumption from 11/01/2022 until 06/30/2023), provided that Subsequent bills are paid on a regular basis when they are issued, according to Ministry of Finance sources, knowing that the public sector’s estimated consumption of electrical energy, according to the current production capacity, is estimated at approximately 107 million US dollars annually.

She pointed out in a statement that “the public sector starting to fulfill its financial obligations and paying in the national currency (Fresh LBP) is an important positive and fundamental step towards achieving the financial sustainability of the Lebanese Electricity Corporation.” Establishing a culture of payment for everyone who consumes electricity indicates a pivotal shift in this regard, especially since electricity is a strategic commodity, the price of which must be paid by any party, whether companies or individuals, public departments or institutions, Syrian refugee camps. (About 174 camps out of about 900 have begun paying) or displaced Palestinians (work is still underway to address this issue in cooperation with the relevant parties, including UNRWA).”

The statement added, “Electricité du Liban wishes the various public departments and institutions to work on depositing the relevant units with the Ministry of Finance, their electricity consumption bill schedules, so that the latter can take the necessary measures to disburse the amounts owed as soon as possible, with a reminder of this.” The framework includes some steps that public administrations and institutions must adhere to, especially:

– It is necessary to adhere to the value of invoices issued by the Electricité du Liban.
It is necessary to adhere to the model prepared by the Public Administrations and Institutions Authority of the Electricité du Liban.
– It is necessary to obtain the signature of the competent minister on the relevant form.

– In the event of any inquiries or clarifications, contact the head of the Public Administrations and Institutions Agency at the Electricité du Liban, Mr. Youssef Baaklini, at 03/676631.

The statement pointed out that “the Electricité du Liban appreciates the cooperation of all concerned, as this vital matter has an impact on the continued success of the emergency plan for the electricity sector, and meeting the needs of citizens, companies, and residents.” Knowing that it will take appropriate measures in accordance with the regulations and laws that govern the issue of default, especially cutting off electricity to those who refuse to pay.”

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