To approve customs protection for the pasta and vermicelli industry

The agricultural unions in the Bekaa appealed to Prime Minister Najib Mikati and the ministers of agriculture, industry, finance and economy in the caretaker government, “to work together to establish customs protection for the pasta and vermicelli industry in Lebanon, and to impose customs duties on imports of these two types, along with imposing a value-added tax, because this matter “It will lead to discharging our wheat production without the disaster of storage and recession.”

The farmers’ statement, which was signed by the head of the Wheat Growers Syndicate in the Bekaa, Najib Fares, and the head of the Wheat and Grain Growers Syndicate in Lebanon, Khaled Shoman, said: “We in the Bekaa have begun harvesting this year’s wheat season, and hundreds of tons of last year’s wheat are still in our warehouses because the government has not It buys their crops from farmers, but today, in light of the development of the pasta industry, the number of which has exceeded 15 factories, we feel good about it, but what is hindering its launch is the flooding of the Lebanese market with more than 60 thousand tons of imported pasta annually, which delays the launch of these factories.

Your Excellency the President, Your Excellency the Ministers, we ask all of you to help us dispose of our production by establishing customs protection for this industry because manufacturers are able to buy our crops directly, easily, and they are able to dispose of more than 50 thousand tons of wheat at a minimum.

Approving customs protection for this industry will also lead to an increase in agricultural areas for wheat and thus reduce pressure on other crops, which will revitalize other crops and lead to agricultural diversification.

The government could not buy our crops, but today it can support us through customs protection for this industry, and we hope for the best from you.”

The exchange rate of the dollar in Lebanon today, moment by moment

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