Are Syrian events threatening Lebanon?

Military expert Naji Malab saw that the dimensions and external interventions overlap the events of the Syrian coast, noting that there are parties that took advantage of this situation to carry out certain operations.

He asked in an interview with “Voice of Lebanon”: “Are these operations only caused by the remnants of the previous regime?”

As for the Lebanese level, the stadiums stressed “not to a direct security threat, especially since” Hezbollah “denied any involvement in these events, but the biggest challenge lies in the social and economic burdens resulting from the continued displacement and displacement, which increases the pressure on the country.

On the situation in Tripoli, Malab pointed out that “the city previously witnessed the participation of some local powers in the battles alongside the” Headquarters for the Liberation of Al -Sham “and the Syrian opposition factions, but today the equation has changed, pointing out that the Lebanese army took decisive measures as it closed all the outlets leading to Jabal Mohsen, which prevented any militants from leaving or entering.

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