A statement of the Industrial Research Institute … This is its details

The Industrial Research Institute was issued, a statement of the assessment of the conformity assessment of imported products subject to the provisions of the mandatory specifications decrees assigned to the institute applied during the month of February 2025, and in it:

Customs and processing customs data at the institute 2.857 customs statement.

Data that was evaluated in the country of the source within the institute mechanism (PRESHIPMENT) 18 customs statement.

Data that turned out to be not subject to the provisions of mandatory specifications decrees after the study 794 customs statements.

The data that the conformity was evaluated by studying its technical files and graphic information for its products (which are the products subject to horizontal specifications) 308 customs statement.

Data that was referred to detection and examination after the study 1.737 customs statement.

Data that was revealed during the above period 1.530 customs statement.

Data whose results were not identical to the provisions of mandatory specifications ceremonies: 50 customs statement.

Distributed as follows: cosmetics (2), power devices (1), celibacy tools (2), electrical appliances and supplies (35), hydraulic oil (1), ceramic tiles and healthy tools (9).

Note that the non -matching data is two types:

Data that does not conform to deficiency or error in technical information based on the product or deficiency in technical documents, which is processed by correction 50 customs statement.

The non -matching data that was permanently refused and preventing its entry Lebanese territory: 0 customs statement

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