Isolating Lebanon from its surroundings cannot be covered with satirical publications

Representative Bilal Al -Hashaimi responded to Representative George Atallah, and said in a statement: “It seems that some deputies do not see in the worsening Lebanon crises except an opportunity to ridicule and escape reality instead of taking responsibility. If the concern of MP George Atallah is the settlement of political accounts at the expense of crucial issues, then we remind him that the Lebanese will not forget the strong era, which was a dark covenant in the full sense of the word, and it was the one who brought the country to Hell with the confession of its owner when he said in his famous speech: “To Hell.” Economic collapse, the displacement of the Lebanese, the loss of depositors’ money, the dominance of the state’s decision and the severing of relations with Arab and international countries, and isolating Lebanon from its surroundings, not things that can be covered with satirical publications or superficial comments. ”

He added: “As for the role of women, it is greater and more supreme than to be a substance to cynicism, as it is the pillar of society and the basis of change, and it is not a way to cover up the failure of power in managing the country. Today, in light of the era of President Joseph Aoun and the state of President Nawaf Salam, there are serious attempts to return Lebanon to the map of international attention, restore relations with Arab and international countries, and remove the Lebanese from the quagmire of the collapse left by the previous era.

Al -Hashaimi concluded: “But it seems that some still prefer to drown in the past instead of facing the truth and working to save what can be saved.”

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