Women are an essential component of human building

The Sheikh of the mind renewed the Druze Almohads community, Sheikh Sami Abi Al -Mona, on the occasion of International Women’s Day, the appreciation of “human women, with the emotion, wisdom and impulsivity they store, and she gave live examples throughout history and proved their worth and their distinguished role.”

In a statement, Abi Al -Muna said: “We look at the woman as an active half in this world and as an essential element in building man, society and the homeland, starting from her first mission in education, forming family, embracing and caring for children, and planting the seeds of goodness in them, to her social role contributing to building the edifices of love, mercy and brotherhood, and in stimulating the movement of positive interaction, caring for the needy and fighting destructive pests. On the level of Lebanese women, we see her an important role in re -strengthening the national cohesion, Ballasa wounds, building state institutions, and participating in the country’s rise from its repression.

He continued: “If we are still singing for unified women who are well -known in history, we are proud of them and their distinguished role, and they are many, they are known for piety, courage, wisdom and chastity, and they are famous for social and charitable work, and they reached high ranks with knowledge, knowledge and management, we congratulate the women of this intellectual and workers, their commitment to the approach of the righteous predecessor And they carried them the message of goodness and charity.

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