No serious government steps to end the occupation

Mayssem Rizk wrote in “Al -Akhbar”: With the exception of the deputy prime minister Tariq Mitri and Foreign Minister Youssef Raji, what was reported by the “Axios” website about American and Israeli officials about “unannounced understanding between Tel Aviv, Washington and Beirut on the survival of the Israeli forces in southern Lebanon for weeks or months, until the situation is stabilized thanks to the Lebanese army, and it is guaranteed that Hezbollah no longer constitutes a threat.” An official position on these leaks.

Rather, the facts show that there is no evidence in the Lebanese state, as the Israeli aggression, assassinations and violations did not meet with any serious diplomatic step to pressure the international community, to pressure the enemy in turn to adhere to the agreement. While Mitri said that “Lebanon did not participate in any agreement” as referred to by “Axios”, stressing Lebanon’s position on the “need to withdraw from the five points in the south, and that we have no choice but to the diplomatic pressure in order to complete the withdrawal”, the alleged “agreement” that the American website spoke of the question of whether the parties in Lebanon have pledged to remain silent, which constitutes a coverage of the occupation’s survival to do what the occupation remain The state can do.

The leak coincided with the introduction of the American Republican Republican Senate Greg Stef (from Florida) a draft law to “prevent armed groups from engaging in extremism” known as (Pageer), which prohibits the provision of aid to the Lebanese armed forces “until the ruling authorities in Lebanon cancel their recognition of Hezbollah and its political wing with it” that is “loyalty to resistance”, and his ally “Amal Movement”. By taking concrete steps within 60 days to disarm Hezbollah, and stipulates the imposition of sanctions on individuals and entities involved in supporting the party, and stopping the federal funding of the Lebanese army, unless it adheres to strict conditions related to ending the party’s influence and severing any links to the army with Iran.

The draft law also states that after 60 days of its approval, the United States refuses to finance any United Nations development programs providing aid to the Lebanese armed forces and internal security forces.
Under the law, the “Head of Military Intelligence” in southern Lebanon, Suhail Harb, will be included as a “global terrorist” according to the American CEO No. 13224, which targets individuals and organizations that support terrorism. The law links the federal funding of the Lebanese army that the Lebanese state does not recognize the party or any organization linked to Iran, the party’s failure to participate in ministerial positions, Lebanon’s commitment to ending the party’s presence on its lands, cutting off the relationship between the Lebanese army and the party and destroying the army all the weapons that are being placed on.

By comparing what the bill included and internal dealing with Hezbollah and the Amal Movement, it becomes clear that the behavior is internally approved as during the formation of the government, within the framework of the “identification” of the state with the conditions required in the American and Israeli (mentioned by the law) without the need for a signature agreement, which can be described as the implicit understanding, which the site mentioned, according to what is the prominent political sources, indicating several facts from: The state’s commitment to the equation of linking the reconstruction of what the Israeli enemy destroyed to hand over the resistance weapon, and try to exclude the duo from political life under the title “Reforms”.

– The state and its security services to American orders from preventing any aircraft from Iran from arriving from Iran on the pretext that this is exposed to airport security, while the goal is to cut the way for any financial aid to resistance and its environment, within the siege strategy that aims to incite the resistance environment on it.

– The Lebanese army detonated all munitions and disposal of the weapons it obtains from the resistance and not allowing it to keep them, in a way that is similar to what is happening in Syria … Also, the army is not allowed to enter any region in the south without American approval.

– Similar to what happened during the formation of the government from the pressure to prevent the Shiite duo from choosing its ministers, the process is applied today in the file of appointments that the information says that there is also a decision to prevent their involvement in choosing names within the administration and in sensitive security and administrative sites, which is the point that the outside appointed carefully as it is from the entrances to ending the influence of the party internally.

These examples come from a long list, in which the diplomatic work that the state stresses to retrieve the occupied lands, knowing that, according to the sources, the concerned authorities have not made any serious step in this direction, noting that “the Lebanese embassy in Washington has not yet received any directives to move and take political and diplomatic steps dealing with Israeli violations and occupation.”

This is what the embassy officials reported to a number of personalities who inquired about the issue, “There is no plan for communicating with active lobbies in the United States, European or Arab, not even with United Nations officials to create a diplomatic atmosphere supporting Lebanon to liberate its lands and force the Israeli enemy to abide by the ceasefire agreement.”

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