Lebanon is under the influence of a simple air depression … Here are the details of the weather

Lebanon and the eastern basin of the Mediterranean are located under the influence of an atmosphere of limited event, which is concentrated in South Sinai and heads to the east that leads to fluctuating weather and rain sometimes, especially at home and the south of the country with a limited decrease in temperatures, and its effect continues until Saturday morning as it gradually recedes with some local fluctuations until next Monday noon.

The expected weather in Lebanon:
Thursday: Partially cloudy with high temperatures on the coast and its slightly rise inside and on the highlands, separate and intermittent rain falls from the afternoon, especially in the southern and internal regions, with the possibility of lightning, thunder and active winds sometimes intensifying to approximately 60 km/h, especially in the northern regions. Snow is also expected to fall at a height of 1900 meters and above, as fog continues to be on the highlands.

Friday: Partially cloudy to cloudy with a slight decrease in temperature and fog on the highlands, separate rains are sometimes intense, especially in the interior and southern regions, accompanied by lightning, thunder and active winds, as the snow falls at an altitude of 1700 meters and above, the severity of the rain is reduced during the night.

Saturday: Partially cloudy with high temperatures, separate light rain falls, especially in the interior and southern regions during the morning period, and the weather stabilizes during the day with fog remaining on the highlands.
Sunday: Little clouds in total without modification of temperatures, gradually turns in the afternoon partly cloudy and separate light rain falls, especially in the mountainous and internal areas with some light snow at a height of 1900 meters and above.

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