To raise the minimum wage and compensation for workers affected by the aggression

The General Council of the National Union of Trade Unions and users in Lebanon held a meeting to discuss the Union’s action plan this year.
At the beginning of the meeting, the Council condemned, according to a statement, “The Zionist attacks that led to the fall of tens of thousands of martyrs and the wounded, in addition to the destruction and systematic displacement that led to the destruction of tens of thousands of homes and the burning of lands and agricultural crops, this Zionist aggression on southern Lebanon and all of Lebanon, and the resulting displacement of thousands of families Supported by the United States of America, a number of European countries and others.

After that, the President of the National Union Union, Castro Abdullah, presented the work program, and stressed “how to confront economic, social, financial and eloquent policies set by the government in its ministerial statement,” stressing “the need to approve the rights of workers and the working class, especially in correcting wages and raising the minimum equivalent of $ 1,000 as well as working to enhance social offerings for all who are outside any social protection, specifically today in light of these circumstances and the results of the Zionist aggression on Our country that causes and burned all the ingredients for living for the working class, farmers, and for all workers in the irregular economy.

He announced, “Preparing to celebrate some important stations, including International Women’s Day on the eighth of March, and the World Workers Day on May 1, in addition to the Day of Vocational Safety and the Day of Migrant Workers and the implementation of a number of union training courses at home and abroad.”
He pointed to “the proceeding of work and the struggle to confront the policies imposed by the current Lebanese government, which are an extension of the policies of successive governments in implementing policies and dictates of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank and the definitive evidence of its lack of approval of human rights and the rights of citizens in the ministerial statement, especially because of the lack of accountability for the stolen people’s money and the remaining goods in this country, up to the loaf of bread, at a time when the Zionist aggression continues on The villages of the south are in which the cartals are protected, and the indirect fees and taxes are multiplied by marine and river properties, rumors, and state properties are raped and looted from mafias, followers of the authority of sects, sects, cantons and reserves.

He condemned “these policies as they prohibit citizens, specifically workers and those with low incomes, the right to live in dignity,” again calling for this government unable to carry out its duties and they have nothing but the impoverishment of citizens to amend their economic policies. ” And the approval of new legislation to identify with decent work and international agreements.

He demanded that “compensation to workers, farmers, workers, and workers in the unorganized economy through international aid.”

He called for “strengthening healthy submissions in all guarantor bodies, especially social security, by raising the value of the presentations for the content in order to be equal to the reality of the situation, and in this field it emphasizes the demand that the state pay its dues to the National Social Security Fund in a way that secures its continuation in the service of the content.”
He stopped at “the issue of old rents, so he called for the issuance of a just law that will do justice to the small owners and the old tenants.”

He also called on “the government and the parliament to ratify international agreements, especially the agreement 87, on the right of trade union organization, as well as all relevant agreements, as well as the agreement 189, 190 and others.”
The council approved “the action plan submitted by the executive office, as was approved by the reports of the specialized committees, including the Foreign Relations Committee, the Organization Committee, the Social Security Committee, the Working Women Committee, the Youth Committee, the Administration and Finance Committee and the Committee of Union Training.

He declared, “The affiliation with the International Union Federation was assigned to follow up on this issue and then, the attendees believed that the account was cut off for previous years, especially in 2024, and they approved the new budget for the year 2025, and the executive office was packed and the union’s work was ratified for the year 2024.”

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