A financial crisis on the horizon of Hezbollah … and the reconstruction file is the heaviest

Iskandar Khashashou wrote in “Al -Nahar”: There have been a lot of talk about a financial crisis that Hezbollah is suffering, which began to float on the surface through many press leaks, the most recent of which was what the American Wall Street Journal reported and before the Washington Post.

This atmosphere is conducted with voices that began to rise in the party’s environment, complicating the party’s compensation, whether because it does not fit with the size of the losses, or to delay the payment.

Despite the return of the “good loan institution” to the bond after a stopping description of the administration as a technician, a delay was also recorded in paying the liberated checks in the name of “the most honorable people” for periods ranging between a month and 3 months depending on the size of the amount, and this left anxiety between people, especially those that lost all its homes, institutions and others.

Those close to the party refuse to talk about a real financial crisis that affects it, and they confirm that salaries are still ongoing and pay their timing without delay. In reference to the availability of funds and not being affected by developments, they say that Mr. Hassan Nasrallah was martyred on September 27, and the salaries were paid in the thirty in a normal way.
They respond to the reason for the voices that have been up to the last period in protest against the compensation to the speed of detection, and it was marred by a kind of errors due to the speed that the concerned people tried to work, amid a huge amount of damage and in pressure conditions, and this is what is going on to correct it.

And they confirm that about 650 million US dollars have been paid in a period not exceeding two months, and this is a major achievement that countries cannot do, hinting at the funerals and occasions that are held and cost tens of millions of dollars, and this is evidence of the availability of money.
On the other hand, informed sources confirm that “Hezbollah” confirms in the internal corridors that the money of shelter and restoration exists has no problem in the matter, but the reconstruction funds are not in Lebanon, but it is reassured that it is abroad and can be secured, and things are not completely closed, but to enter it to Lebanon is not easy, especially as they are huge sums, and this explains the words of the Secretary -General of the party, Sheikh Naim Qasim, who remained the topic of reconstruction Died and did not give a clear commitment, leaving the issue with the Lebanese state.

Those close associates acknowledge that many banks refused to receive transfers from party supporters abroad, knowing that they were receiving them previously, for fear of US sanctions, which explains the demand for Shiite businessmen in Africa to send money in large quantities, with a promise to return them in the event of “matters” again, given that the party was a major assistant in expanding their actions.
In conclusion, it appears that talking about a suffocating crisis and others does not approach the truth completely, but the indicators of the continuity of this financing began to take a negative approach, knowing that the huge file for reconstruction, especially south and Baqaa, will constitute the biggest challenge in light of the lack of funding.

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