About the exchange rate of the lira .. This is what the governor of the Bank of Lebanon revealed!

The members of the “Corps and Trader of Buildings in Lebanon, headed by Elie Soma, the Acting Governor of Lebanon, Wassim Mansouri.

A statement by the association stated that “the meeting discussed the risks and damage to Lebanon as a result of its inclusion on the gray list and the role of the new government in avoiding the effects, results and difficulties.”

Mansouri said: “What is said in the media on the subject of the gray list is exaggerated, as the situation is not so dangerous.”

He pointed out that he “made a number of successful government visits in this context,” explaining that “the gray list and the inclusion of states within these regulations as a result of certain criteria is a periodic routine procedure by the FATF, and this experience has gone through several countries.”

He said: “We will discuss these matters with the new government to present them to the Council of Ministers.”

He talked about “the stability of the exchange rate of the lira”, “The four columns for the reactivation of the economy, namely: accountability through the transparent judiciary, the return of depositors deposits, the reactivation of the banking sector, and the administrative reforms in the state.”

The ruler also touched on the following matters: “The way to maintain the exchange rate by controlling the monetary bloc in the Lebanese pounds, stopping the financing of the Lebanese state by the Central Bank, the necessity of returning the banking sector to its effectiveness by transferring the economy from cash to banks and re -working with cash clearing on checks and differentiating between old and new accounts and guaranteeing them.”

The statement indicated that “the research was done between the ruler and the delegation at several points, including: methods of reactivating banking work and restoring confidence to this sector, the mechanisms that can be adopted to protect and return deposits, and ensure new deposits so that their fate is not like an old fate.”

The statement said: “Here, the ruler confirmed that the Central Bank has set mechanisms to protect new deposits, and these mechanisms are under development.”

He touched on “Lebanese sovereign debt bonds that are displayed by 6.5% globally”, and said: “The ruler explained that the Lebanese state cannot rebuild it in this percentage, pointing to the need to meet with the holders of Lebanese bonds in the euro Bond to search and find solutions, and this is what he finally did during his visit to Europe.”

He pointed out that “the meeting concluded on the basis of continuing to hold the meetings in the future to follow up on the topics that have been raised.”

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