Here is the effect of bright glasses on football players

Care in the world of football reaches unexpected limits

Care in the world of football reaches unexpected limits, and nutrition, comfort, physical preparation and recovery are completely firm in the lives of the players, but development does not stop there.
The latest innovations focus on eye care, as the use of glasses with special candidates, lighting filters or bright glasses is the last link in the series that includes interest in all the details that can improve players’ performance in the field.
Alvaro Morata, Bayna and Grimaldo wore these glasses during the euro championship, which are designed lenses to block light from the screens and environments with very bright lighting, as Marcus Euring in the mixed area after a tie (4-4) in the King’s Cup against Barcelona at Montguek Stadium.
Sergio Canalis is another “crazy” that cares about his daily protection, and the professional midfielder’s professionalism is the maximum for him, and therefore he used these glasses to improve his performance, and he spoke during a meeting how he helped use different types of glasses and how he executed it in his routine.
“I really love glasses, red light glasses at night to rest, and training glasses helped me a lot to be more effective in front of the goal, or in particular control elements in the last third, with more people around me, these are things I love to try to continue to improve them until the last day of my career.”

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