An American journalist attacks Zelinski .. Why don’t you wear an official suit?

During the intense meeting of Ukrainian President Folodomer Zellinski with US President Donald Trump, Ukrainian President faced an unexpected “aggressive” question, from an American journalist.

The question came from one of the American journalists, during the period of questions, where he attacked Zilsenke because he was “not wearing an official suit” while he was attending the White House.

The journalist said: “President Zellinski, why don’t you wear an official suit? Do you not have one? The American people find a problem not to wear an official suit during your presence in the most important official places in the United States.

Zellinski replied: “Do you have a problem with that? I will continue to wear this (civil) costume until the end of the war. ”

“Maybe later, I will wear a suit like you wear, maybe it is better than you wear, and perhaps one is less expensive,” he added sarcastically.

The journalist replied, “This will be better.”

A while later, Trump said he loves Zilingski, despite the journalist’s question, Zelensky says: “I want to answer only serious questions.”

On Friday, the White House office witnessed a strong “” “strong” confrontation between US President Donald Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodimir Zellinski.

The two presidents were talking to the media, before their glow became strong towards each other, as Trump told Zelinski: “You are gambling to ignite a third world war … either you conclude an agreement or we will move away.” (Sky News)

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