Midesia “displacement” and “peace” with Israel … subject to the Arab position and Iran

Munir Al -Rabie wrote in “Al -Modon”:

Lebanese officials explicitly announce that the issue of reaching a peace agreement with Israel has been circulated and discussed, and informally. In practice, this peace project has been put forward for years, and US President Donald Trump re -emphasized it and put it in the ranks of his “strategic goal” in the Middle East.

Washington is based on the peace project by pulling all the pressures it exerts politically and economically on the countries of the region, while Israel is based on its military results to change the balance of power, allowing it to impose surrender on Arab countries, not peace. In practice, there are two paths that define the destination of developments in the region, the first track is the Arab position that is supposed to be issued at the emergency Arab summit in Cairo, which is supposed to abort the project of displacement of Palestinians and destroy the “state”. The second track is what Iran will decide to do, especially since over the past years it was leading the axis of resistance and its primary title to eliminate Israel, which means not to allow any peace agreement with it. Upon the implementation of the Al -Aqsa Flood Operation, the Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ali Khamenei, stated that this operation has cut the path of peace agreements with Israel.

As for the Arab countries, there does not seem to be a position opposing peace in principle, but there are Arab circumstances and conditions that are intended to start the signing of such agreements. As for Iran, the peace project was not at all, but rather Tehran worked to confront it militarily. Today, Iran is living in the face of major political and military pressure, and it will find itself in front of two options, either to continue to bear economic pressures and wait for a major military strike that changes all the data in the region and strikes the Iranian regime as a whole, or to agree to make the required concessions. This in itself will contribute to changing paths and making the way to the “surrender instrument” that Israel wants to extract from the countries of the region as a whole.

What the United States of America and Israel seeks is to continue the pressure to the maximum to push the countries of the region and its peoples to cope with the de facto situation that Israel wants to impose, with various meanings, politically, economically, socially, security, and even that the maximum ambition of people is to search for safe housing. Thus, Israel completely eliminates the dream of “the right of return” for Palestinian refugees in neighboring countries. While the Palestinian people find themselves in the face of the “right to stay” at home, given the project that the Israelis do not hide and insist on. Eliminating the “right of return” inevitably affects the neighboring countries of Palestine, including Lebanon, which will be in the face of many benefits later not only related to Hezbollah’s weapon and the search for its fate, nor how to confront Israel to get it out of the points it occupied inside Lebanese territory.

Lebanon will be on many dates in the next stage, the first of which is to search for the Palestinian disarmament from within the camps. This, of course, is a basic and present file for years, and it is related to achieving the title of inventory of weapons in the hands of the state, and that the Lebanese state is the owner of sovereignty over all its lands, including the Palestinian camps. Also, the title that will be announced later is that the state is heading to disarmament Hezbollah, which means that it will not retreat in front of the Palestinian weapon. But here it is necessary to anticipate the project that will follow this, which is connected to offering the resettlement of the Palestinians in their whereabouts, including Lebanese lands, in order to prevent them from just thinking about returning to their Palestinian lands.

Lebanon, as well as other countries, is waiting for what will be issued by the emergency Arab summit in Cairo, as a kind of hope for the birth of an Arab plan or a clear Arab project that protects the Palestinian issue and the Palestinian people, and protects the countries of the region as a whole, especially since the Israeli project threatens Arab national security as a whole, and from various aspects. Previously, Hafez al -Assad imposed the equation of the unity of the path and destiny between Lebanon and Syria, and its clear meaning is that Lebanon did not go to any agreement with Israel before Syria. Today, Saudi Arabia declares its clear position in refusing to go to any agreement unless it guarantees the construction of a Palestinian state, and preserves the right of the Palestinian people on their land and in their state. More than once, President of the Republic, Joseph Aoun, announced that Lebanon is tired of the wars of others on its soil, and that it deserves to take a period of stability, as he announced Lebanon’s commitment to the Arab Peace Initiative and the position issued by the Islamic Summit held in Riyadh, and stipulates the two -state solution.

In practice, Lebanon takes a clear position behind the Arab position and announces its commitment to it and adopts it, Syria does not seem far from this path, amid two different readings, between those who consider in Lebanon that it is the last country that goes to the peace agreement, and between those who see that all international and Arab circumstances may impose on Lebanon and Syria the trend towards the agreement, so Saudi Arabia is the last country to conclude this agreement.

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