A night of fulfillment of Mansour Rahbani at the Ilite Center for Culture and Education in Tripoli

The “Elite Center for Culture and Education” in Tripoli, on Thursday evening, embraced a distinguished cultural evening in celebration of the centenary of the creator Mansour Rahbani (1925-2025), in which the poet Henry Zogheib and the captain of the former professional artists Jihad Al-Atrash participated, and was opened by the president of the “Elite Center”, Professor Iman Dernaika, with a welcome word Schools, professors, poets, doctors, and a large crowd of intellectuals and interested, who flocked from Tripoli and from outside it to honor an artistic stature that affected the conscience of Lebanon and the Arab world.


“Our evening today is exceptional, because we are with adults, with the giants. We celebrate Bassem Mansour Rahbani, who is deeply related to the beauty of Lebanon, the fragrance of Lebanon, and the glory of Lebanon. ” With these influential words, Dernika started the night of loyalty to the great Mansour Al -Rahbani. She added: “It is not merely a mere remembrance of an artistic stature that left, but rather an affirmation of the permanent presence of Mansour Rahbani in the memory of the homeland, and in the hearts of his fans. Since we opened our eyes to the world, the art of Mansour Rahbani and the Rahbani brothers like the sun that illuminates the paths of creativity, and the river that tells our thirsty soul to the solution of the word, melody and poetry.

And she added: “Mansour is an inherent part of the history of Lebanon. With every tone or“ musical note ”of its melodies, we feel that the cedar of Lebanon flies a whisk in the sky of this beautiful homeland, which we all must preserve.”

Dernika concluded: “What distinguishes Mansour Rahbani is not only the emotional in his poetry, nor his depiction of the transparency of the Lebanese countryside through his nature, hills and illness, not even his embodiment of history and championships in his plays; Rather, it is the unique artistic partnership that I gathered with his brother Assi, so they were so attached that we did not know who wrote and from a melody, because the “Rahbani brothers” was one in every work. There was no one who could transfer this deep intellectual shipment except the voice of Fayrouz who gave the globe, and touched the hearts of all people. ”


The poet Henry Zogheib presented a touching testimony about the life and march of Mansour Al -Rahbani, and he revealed many tales that he lived with him, which lit many aspects of Mansour’s personality and showed his humanity and creative spirit.

Zogheib did not address the march of the two brothers with the great Saeed Aqel, explaining how their works were affected by deep thinking and the Lebanese spirit that Aqel carried. Zogheib gave a number of Mansour’s poems that attracted the audience by giving them attractive, which made them struggle with applause repeatedly.

Al Atrash

The artist, Jihad Al -Atrash, inflamed his loose voice and his delicate feelings of the attendees, and touched his elaborate reading of the poems of Mansour, the hearts of hearts, and the hall was overwhelmed by the feelings of presence and longing.

The attendees continued a collection of documentary films for hadiths from Mansour on the Rahbani theater and read it with a bouquet of his poems, in addition to a song from the Summer 840 play, “The Gates of the Revolution shined.”

At the end of the celebration, the head of the center, Darnika and Mr. Al -Kamali, presented a stereotype for the ancient hill watch as a gift to the poet Zogheib, and the artist Al -Atrash is an expression of appreciation and gratitude.

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