On a peace visit to the south .. a statement from the army

Prime Minister Nawwaf Salam, accompanied by the Minister of Energy and Water, Joseph Al -Sadi, Minister of Public Works and Transport, Fayez Rasamani, Minister of Environment Tamara Al -Zain and the Acting Commander of the Army, Major General Hassan Odeh, led the leadership of the South Litani sector in the Banua Barakat barracks – Tire, where he listened to a summary of the practical situation and the spread of military units.

He also met the military and expressed his appreciation to the army and its righteous martyrs, and went to them by saying: “You are the title of honor, sacrifice and loyalty, and you are the backbone of sovereignty and independence. The army is the one who is folded to defend Lebanon, and it is responsible for preserving the security of the homeland, protecting its people, preserving its sovereignty, and the integrity and integrity of its lands, and today it performs its duties completely, and enhances its spread with determination and firmness in order to consolidate stability in the south and the return of our people to their villages and homes.

He affirmed the continuation of work to support the capabilities of the military establishment, expressing his appreciation for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon – UNIFIL and its cooperation with the Lebanese army and authorities to implement resolution 1701. After that, President Salam visited the ministers and Major General, the town of Khayyam and the city of Nabatiyeh, to see the conditions of the people, and inspected the widespread destruction that the Israeli enemy left in its last aggression.

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