The start of preparing for administrative and security appointments .. Aoun insists on adopting a clear transparent mechanism

The new government is likely to hold the first or next week next week, in which the file of administrative and military appointments may be discussed.

The “Call of the National” stated that President Joseph Aoun insists on adopting a clear transparent mechanism, which will be agreed upon in the House of Representatives and announced later, based on the fact that the covenant avoids any “incomplete impaired” and insists on conducting a comprehensive administrative “arrest”.

As for the appointment of a new commander of the military establishment, the final word for President Aoun, the son of this institution will be, because of the belief that the next stage is a security par excellence, which needs seriousness in the application of international decisions and the imposition of the state’s authority, as it is not permissible to manipulate the fate and role of the military establishment, and from this principle it is assumed that a leader is chosen according to the level of the stage.

The sources concluded by referring to the insistence of President Aoun, President Salam and Interior Minister Ahmed Al -Hajjar to hold the municipal and optional elections on time, as it is a maturity and a detailed examination of the era and the government is not permissible to fail.

The brigade wrote: The first session of the government is likely to be held next week or the next week, and it may be conducted, according to ministerial sources, the appointment of military and security leaders from the commander of the army to two general managers of the internal security forces, public security, state security, etc. The President’s rounds and later the prime minister’s rounds.

However, the ministerial sources indicated to the “Major General” that nothing is clear yet about military and security appointments, and the Minister of Defense and Interior have not reported any information about the appointments and the date of the session, and there is no invitation to a session of the Council of Ministers yet. Many ministers are still studying their files and preparing their plans to await what President Nawaf Salam decides for the date of the session and to officially invite them, especially since the President of the Republic is the first concerned with appointing the army commander to be outside Lebanon. Unless the cabinet is held in the companies to discuss an administrative procedural agenda that is not appointed.

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