With our joints at home and spreading, we will be able to build Lebanon

The President of the Republic, General Joseph Aoun, stressed that “the Lebanese community in Australia represents an important cultural and economic bridge between Lebanon and Australia,” stressing that “the distinguished relationship that brings together Lebanon and Australia goes beyond traditional diplomatic relations, it is a deep human relationship,” praising Australia’s hand to Lebanon. “In the wake of the Beirut Port Bet explosion, while development and humanitarian aid continues to support the economy Lebanese and educational and health institutions, in addition to the continuous support it provides to the Lebanese army.

And when President Aoun considered that we in Lebanon “face great challenges”, he pointed out that we “need to support Lebanese and Lebanese in Australia as well as their experiences and relationships more than ever, because it is a real wealth for Lebanon”, calling them to “participate in the process of promoting and reconstruction We seek to implement, and encourage your children to adhere to their Lebanese identity and their authentic culture.

President Aoun reiterated his assertion that “all the Lebanese joined in the country and spread, we will be able to overcome the challenges and build Lebanon, which we all aspire to.

The words of President Aoun said in a speech through the “video” technique in a celebration held in the parliament of the New South Wils State in Sydney on the occasion of the election of General Joseph Aoun as President of the Republic and the formation of a government headed by Judge Nawaf Salam, under the auspices of the Maronite Diocese in Australia and New Zealand and Oceania, Bishop Antoine-Cheral Tabbeh and his presence, In cooperation with the Friends of Lebanon Parliamentary Committee and the Lebanese Friendship Committee Australia.

Speech of President Aoun

The following is the text of the speech of President Aoun: “Dear Lebanese and Lebanese, dear in Australia, I loved my heart to be among you on this occasion, and you are celebrating not only my election as president of the republic, but by the return of hope to the veins of the Lebanese, and the renewed resolve that our people share to start the march of rise Reconstruction.

The distinctive relationship that brings together Lebanon and Australia goes beyond traditional diplomatic relations, as it is a deep human relationship, which you and your fathers and grandparents have made since you have settled the land of this country that has turned into your second country.

Australia has proven to be a friend and in Lebanon, especially in difficult times. Recently, it was one of the first countries to extend a helping hand to Lebanon in the wake of the Beirut port explosion, and development and humanitarian aid continues to support the Lebanese economy and educational and health institutions, in addition to the continuous support it provides to the Lebanese army.

You, sons of Lebanon in Australia, have shown an exceptional ability to excel and creativity. Here is your fingerprints clear in all fields, from entrepreneurship to science, medicine and engineering, and from arts to politics and media. Your success in integrating into Australian society while preserving your Lebanese identity is a role model.

I believe that the Lebanese community in Australia represents an important cultural and economic bridge between the two countries. Therefore, I encourage you to intensify communication with Lebanese institutions, exchange experiences, and organize conferences and events that enhance bilateral relations.

Today, we are facing great challenges in Lebanon, we need your support, experiences and relations more than ever, because it is a real wealth for Lebanon. Therefore, I invite you to participate in the process of promoting and reconstruction that we seek to implement, and my confidence is a great confidence in your ability to contribute effectively to this march, as you have always been at the forefront of the initiatives to support your motherland.

I also invite you to maintain communication with your motherland, enhance ties with your family and relatives, and encourage your children to adhere to their Lebanese identity and their authentic culture.

Lebanon is proud of you and your achievements, and counts on your role in the next stage. Together, and all the Lebanese joined in the homeland and spread, we will be able to overcome the challenges and build Lebanon, which we all aspire to, the strong and prosperous Lebanon that is appropriate for the sacrifices of its children and their aspirations.

I must conclude that I will thank me to the Maronite diocese in Australia, foremost of which is the sovereignty of Bishop Antoine Charbel Taraby, for achieving this celebration, and gathering the people of Lebanon in Australia in an atmosphere of hope, joy and pride.

You lived, lived Australia, and lived Lebanon. ”

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