After his return .. Will Hariri Akkar visit?

The Akkar and the North region is the beating heart and vital artery for the supporters of the Future Movement. With the return of President Saad Hariri, the joy of the people of the people who waited for this moment was impatient after a long absence from the political scene.

In this context, the question arises: How does the Akkar and North region prepare to receive Hariri’s return? Is there an upcoming visit to the region?

The coordinator of the Future Movement in Akkar, Abdel -Ilah Zakaria confirmed to Lebanon 24 that the preparations are going in full swing, and the turnout is great. We are ready to participate with full force, and the transportation has been secured, and all Akkari villages will participate in this anniversary. In the coming days, we will tour the regions to distribute loudspeakers, flags and windows.

He continued: According to statistics, about 20,000 people from Akkar are expected to participate in this event, as their presence will bring them together in the shrine of President Rafik Hariri before his son delivered his speech.

Regarding the possibility of Prime Minister Hariri’s visit to Akkar, Zakaria stressed that there is no expected visit to the region at the present time, neither to Akkar nor to the north in general.

He pointed out that the supporters of the Future Movement in Akkar are awaiting the speech of Prime Minister Hariri, and they are wondering about his position on the latest developments in Syria and the fall of the Assad regime.

He explained that since his political i’tikaaf, Hariri did not receive a speech from the place of his father’s mausoleum, President Rafik Hariri. But this year, it is expected that he will deliver a speech that includes his vision and work plan for his return to the political scene.

Lebanon monitoring 24

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