Faria municipality reveals the details of the crime of run over the young Hebron

In response to the frequency of some of the slanders and allegations that are related to the crime that the young Khalil Joe Khalil fell, the municipality of Faria explained that “there are five members of the Paria in the municipality of the police and a driver in the municipality. Two police and driver do not engage in their work, as salaries are not enough for them, so they went to work in the private sector for more than three years. Two of the police work day -long and a policeman 5 to 12 nights in order to seize and organize the presence of Syrian workers and their families and their census, and to conduct a survey and regulations in their names and their places of residence to raise them to the competent security authorities. And assistance at every emergency to carry out the above -mentioned task and who receive salaries from the volunteers numbering / 3 / elements only. ”

The statement added: “The municipality organizes patrols from five in the afternoon until twelve at night, under the supervision of one policeman and volunteers, two whose mission is to roam in the town and its neighborhoods, all the way to Shabrah to ensure that the Syrians commit to the curfew after six in the evening and to ensure their numbers, identities and places of residence.

At twelve o’clock, that is, the municipal car receives one volunteer and also carries out the car and does not sit in the guard room, but his mission is only confined to wandering throughout the night in the town’s neighborhoods. ”

He continued: “When the hideous crime occurred, the volunteer was not present in the room or near the square, and the municipal car was not present in the square. Therefore, when the sister of the deceased Khalil did not help, there was no one in the room, and that the taxi office corresponding to the hotel was the one who came to the call through one of his employees, Mr. Jihad Khalil, who confirms that he went to the guards room and knocked the door, and he did not find anyone while he also confirmed that the municipal car did not She was parked near the center and that the center is free of any element, and he was the one who came to the location of the deceased and helped his sister, two of his comrades in the taxi office,

As for the allowance that the municipality receives, this matter is done by most of the municipalities, and this allowance is fulfilled by a decision of the Faria Municipality Council and not by order of the municipal council member, Mr. Edmun Muhanna, and we are in the municipality of Faria. Knowing any matter about the municipality, it is only for it to go to the municipality on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and inquire, and we are fully prepared to highlight all documents and papers in a transparent transparency. ”

And he added: “With regard to the claim and slander that Mr. Edmun made a picture with the perpetrator, we assure that there is no picture with the perpetrator and nothing was erased, but rather just malicious and false slanders.

As for the criminal killer and the shooting of Faria on 24/125/24 around eight thirty in the evening, the municipality confirms that this matter occurred, and when the accident occurred, the security forces and intelligence were informed of this matter and gave them a video showing the perpetrator’s car and the hour of the matter.

As for the name of Representative Farid Al -Khazen, the mayor Michel Salama, the Mukhtar Rashid Khalil, and Mr. Edmun Muhanna, and the insightful that there is a shortening or the like is only for the ashes in the eyes and for cheap internal political purposes. The service of our beloved country and that the statistics of the security forces confirm that the town of Faria is the safest and lowest town that is exposed to thefts and security problems in the Keserwan district, thanks to the efforts of the Municipal Council and the efforts of the chosen and volunteers and the awareness of its sons and that Sheikh Farid Al -Khazen in the municipality and the townspeople have a lot of love and appreciation and we have not seen from him Only good and giving. ”

He concluded: “This heinous and surprising crime that claimed the life of the son of our beloved town Khalil all afflicted us with pain and sadness, and we call from God to strengthen his family and give them patience for their irreplaceable loss.

This tragedy afflicted every house in Faria, and the municipality of Faria, its choice and its municipal council are demanding

The security and judicial services by imposing the maximum penalty for the actors and their execution as quickly as possible.

With the same logic that the article publisher adopted, we say:

If the murderer did not exist at this particular time in Faria, he would not have met the Magdur Khalil, and Khalil was still among us.

If the murderer was not born at all, he would not have had this hideous crime.

If Judah was not a traitor, Judah was not a traitor.

If there was no yellow press paid, you would not have written this article.

If Satan was not present, our lives would be insulted and better, but we, my dear lady, we are the sons of hope, the sons of the resurrection, and the children of the church in word and practice.

God has removed from Faria, every injured person, every sedition, and every evil, because evil exists, and the demons exist abroad and inside.

In view of this reality and in front of the size of slanders and the chances, the municipality submitted on 11/22/205 through its attorney, lawyer George El -Khoury, with a complaint before the Public Prosecution in Mount Lebanon against the news website and its owner and the article writer with a crime of broadcasting false and fabricated news, the crime of slander, slander and vilification, and the lawsuit was registered under No. 2025/2845 was referred to the Information Crime Crime Office to conduct the required. ”

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