No to shortening the sect with all of us will

All indications suggest that the friendly rope is interrupted between the designated president, Nawaf Salam and Sunni representatives. What these people were saying in their closed meetings about an injustice attached to them turning into social media and television.

Lina Fakhreddin wrote in the news: The “Thorgi President” who wants a government outside the ordinary with most parties and personalities dealt with the basis of preserving sectarian balances and the composition of the traditional state, while he decided to remove all these rules in dealing with Sunni deputies. More than that, he considers himself the only “legal agent” of the Sunni community, and summarized an entire sect with “all of us will.” It is not detailed, for example, that Rima Karami nominate the Ministry of Education without consulting with Representative Faisal Karami, or even knowing about it!

From this perspective, his relationship with the Sunni Coalition, which includes the deputies of the “national moderation”, “national consensus” and “new Lebanon”, came out, and with them some independents, such as Deputy Fouad Makhzoumi, on the standards followed to represent with other parliamentary blocs, as if they were “zero on The North ”, with accusations of accusations of some of those who are in his orbit that they are“ selling and buying ”in ministerial positions.

All of this led to the interruption of the ropes of communication with Salam in the past two days with a number of Sunni deputies, demanding their meeting to try to restore what was interrupted. However, these people are sure that the man “does other than what he says, and sells them illusions when he meets them before they discover that they are nothing but promises in the air.”

Even the observations of Dar Al -Fatwa hardly succeeded in the enthusiasm of the president in charge of some names, as is the case with the candidate, Hanin Al -Sayed, who objected to the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Drian, for her minister because of her marriage without Muslim and changing her restrictions, with what is not correct with him to be from the Sunni class. Sources say that the Mufti called Salam, who visited yesterday, to deal with the Sunni representatives in the same way he followed with other sects.
Accusations of the assigned president that he had the only “legal agent” of the Sunni community
Information indicates that the first meeting between the two parties, which occurred after the president’s refusal to visit religious references, was not negative, and that the latter promised the Mufti to change the name of the master, and he carried with him to the Republican Palace as an alternative name to it, he is reported that the President of the Republic did not agree to it.

Representatives do not settle the matter of giving confidence or not, although some have spoken that the road to the “trust” is walking, and they are waiting for a comprehensive meeting between them soon for their position.

In this context, Representative Nabil Badr tells Al -Akhbar that “our admonition stems from the fact that the Sunni deputies were the ones who called peace to form the government and opened the door to it, as the most appropriate, and therefore he must return the beautiful to the beautiful, and not by removing them from the government formation and shortening the sect, knowing it He is not a political leader who has a popular legitimacy. ”

Badr criticized the abuse of various criteria with the Sunni deputies, pointing out that Salam said at the door of the Republican Palace that he did not adopt a deputy standard for each of 5 deputies, “So why did the forces give 5 deputies and gave a share to the brigades? He also repeats that he came from the womb of the revolution, so how is this while he wants to represent all parties of the system? ». He concluded that Salam “does the opposite of what he says, and we are as a nomad who nominated us to the parliamentary elections with the intention of participating in power, and not with the aim of attaching the injustice to us and excluding us from the composition without all the blocs.”

Representative Walid Al -Bareini also stressed to Al -Akhbar that “there are no objections to peace, as he is the owner of a clean palm and an excellent biography, but I ask him to apologize for not forming the government because he did not represent in his government except from his insult and ignorance, but we who called him, and decided to be a shield Protecting him and chanting his arm, so he decided to marginalize us. ” Regarding the possibility of blocking confidence, he said: “This matter is decided after our meeting, either as a moderate bloc or the coalition of the three blocs.”

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