Lebanon today »The Housing Bank and the Ministry of Energy are discussing solar energy loans

The Minister of Energy and Water, Walid Fayyad, presented his office in the ministry, with the Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Manager of the Housing Bank, Antoine Habib, for the solar energy loans provided by the bank.

After the meeting, Habib said: After the requests for housing bank loans, specifically solar energy loans, after General Joseph Aoun was elected as President of the Republic and the assignment of Judge Nawaf Salam to form the government, we came to coordinate mechanical steps to develop solar energy loans, especially since the Lebanese Energy Center, affiliated to the Ministry It is the energy headed by Pierre Khoury, who gives approval for the company that will commit to installing solar panels for the necessity of the loan provides the Housing Bank, which must be included in the list of companies classified by the ministry.

He added: We discussed with Minister Fayyad in the possibility of using a portion of the residential loan, to buy solar panels, as the construction loan and the restoration loan or even a housing purchase loan is noted that the assistant conditions are improved, and therefore it can benefit from these loans to secure solar energy for its residence.

He explained that the company, from which the backed solar panels will be bought, must be among the list of companies classified by the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation. From here, the center’s approval is required for the company that the applicant calls, to obtain the loan required from the Housing Bank based on the agreement signed between it and the Ministry of Energy in the year 2022, pointing out that all these projects that we develop, their goal is one which is to help the Lebanese citizen to cling to his land and limit the migration Young people abroad.

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