Dou: I support President Salam and with him to accomplish this government quickly

Representative Mark Daw wrote on the X platform: The forces depicting their defeats are empty and powerful victories, so do not believe that time has turned in its favor, so it remains apparent as if it will be defeated. For these people, I say:
1. In the government of Nawaf Salam, for the first time since 1990, there will be no legitimacy in the ministerial statement of a weapon outside the state and the security services


2. The government of Nawaf Salam, for the first time since 2005, there will be no monopoly of sect ministers by the couple or any other sectarian team
3. In the government of Nawwaf Salam, for the first time since 2008, there will be no third of a disrupted by the prime minister and subject to the will of parties that dominate his government.
4. For the first time in the government of Nawaf Salam, since 2008, the duo or any other team does not impose on the prime minister, any minister’s name, but rather proposals or the prime minister submits options, and the designated president decides to form it in its final form.
5. The government of Nawaf Salam, for the first time since 2008, the Minister of Finance, the external pressure on it is stronger than the internal by the couple. The suggested finance minister, i.e. Yassin Jaber, has declared positions against Hezbollah documented in WikiLeaks, and he was kept away from the Amal election regulations in 2022, and all his money and the wealth of his family outside Lebanon and subject to the penalties of the Trump administration moments, and the holder of legislative experience, external, financial and economic relations.
For all friends and allies, it is time to realize the volume of victories in this government, and do not lock your joy with obsession with a previous stage, and know that what you earn is your dreams for decades. I support President Nawaf Salam and with him to accomplish this government quickly for the interest of Lebanon and many steps towards the country we aspire to.

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