Al-Halabi followed the conditions of Lebanese students returning from Syria

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Abbas Al-Halabi, met with a delegation from the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc, which included MP Dr. Ihab Hamadeh, MP Melhem Al-Hujairi, the educational relations official in Hezbollah’s educational mobilization, Dr. Youssef Al-Bassam, Dr. Ali Shams, and a group of Lebanese students who were studying in Syrian universities and quickly left from Without their university documents.

The attendees discussed how to find solutions for the approximately 270 students to continue their university studies, and the minister stressed that these students are our children and we will rely on the solution that included the problem of students arriving from the former Ukraine, and from other countries that witnessed wars and rapid displacement.

The issue of students in the middle and high school levels who were displaced with their families from Syria, numbering about 7,000 students, was also raised.

In this regard, Al-Halabi pointed out that he will follow up on their situation and request lists of the names and stages of study for all learners so that exceptional solutions to their problems can be found.

The delegation also pointed out the influx of new displaced people, along with their children, who are particularly concentrated in the Hermel area. They are requesting registration in schools, but the Council of Ministers restricts registration to those who hold valid residency permits or documents from the UNHCR.

The delegation also followed up on the demands of contracted and assisted teachers and the salaries of staff teachers, and the minister confirmed that he had submitted draft decrees in this regard to the Council of Ministers. He also followed up on the issue of the Council of Ministers’ advance to replenish school funds, and the issue of securing ready schools in place of completely demolished schools.

On the other hand, Minister Al-Halabi issued Resolution No. 3/M/2025 dated 1/3/2025, relating to the formation of the Higher Education Council, which stated:

The Minister of Education and Higher Education,

Based on Decree No. 8376 dated 9/10/2021 (forming the government),

Based on Law No. 285 dated 4/30/2014 (General Provisions for Higher Education and Organization of Private Higher Education),

Based on Decree No. 1111 dated 7/21/2017 (the internal regulations of the Higher Education Council),

Based on the minutes of the victory of representatives of universities that have been teaching for more than 50 years, dated 12/26/2024, by acclamation,

Based on the winning record of the representative of universities that have been teaching for at least 15 years and less than 50 years, dated 12/26/2024, by acclamation,

Based on Resolution No. 10/2024-2025 dated 11/19/2024 (assigning Judge Samih Maddah to the Council of Higher Education by the State Shura Council), it decides the following:

Article One: The nomination of members of the Higher Education Council established pursuant to Article 13 of Law No. 285 dated 4/30/2014 was carried out in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 thereof, and the body of the Council is as shown in the table below:

the name

The position is Minister of Education and Higher Education, President, Director General of Higher Education, President of the Lebanese University, Samih Maddah, Judge of the State Shura Council, Zaher Dawi, representative of the universities that have been teaching for more than 50 years. Tawfiq Rizk, representative of the universities that have been teaching for more than 50 years, Michel Hayek, representative. About the universities that have been teaching for more than 15 years and less than 50 years Elias Al-Hashem, an expert in higher education Raja Al-Samrani, an expert in higher education

Article Two: Each of the heads of unions for professions regulated by law is a member of the aforementioned council whenever it is in session in order to consider licensing to open an institution of higher education or to develop programs in a licensed institution that prepares for issuing certificates entitling its holder to the right to join the union in question.

Article Three: The term of office of this body, which extends over a period of three years, begins from the date of this decision.

Article Four: This decision shall be published and notified to whomever is necessary, and it shall be effective from the date of its issuance./.

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