The government will consist of technicians and technocrats and we will participate in it

Representative George Adwan confirmed that the Lebanese Forces Party is not a leader-maker, but rather a contributor to the change taking place.

Adwan said, in an interview with the Lebanese Al-Mashhad program, on Al-Hurra TV: The era of the President of the Republic, General Joseph Aoun, was given the title of establishing the Third Republic, which is not similar to the first and second republics. We are very pleased with his arrival to the presidency, and we are hand in hand and with full cooperation to implement the oath speech that restored Hope to all Lebanese in Lebanon and plant it in the hearts of young expatriates. This speech should be the work program of the next government.

Adwan responded to a question about the loss of the Lebanese forces by saying: The forces won this world and the hereafter.

He stressed that the President of the Republic did not conclude any side agreement, neither with the Shiite duo nor with any political party, including the Lebanese Forces, and if an agreement had actually occurred, President Nabih Berri would not have adjourned the session for two hours.

He explained that the Lebanese Forces would participate in the first government of the era, and said: Hezbollah is welcome in the government, without its missiles. Today, we open a new page, and we want to deal with the political Hezbollah and extend a hand to Hezbollah, which is represented in the government under the roof of the constitution and the law, as those who elected Hezbollah and the Amal Movement are Lebanese. Therefore, they have a legitimate status, but the dispute is in the practice in which they violated the constitution, the law, and international resolutions. They have no weapons, and their decision is in their hands if their participation in the government is required.

He stressed that the next government will be a government of technicians and technocrats in their field, consisting of 24 ministers, and it is more inclined towards experts in the field of their selection. He said: The parties will be asked to choose ministers who are specialized according to the portfolio that the minister receives.
He added: We are in favor of forming the government within a short period not exceeding 15 days. If it is not formed within this period, the person in charge must hand over the secretariat so that we can return to parliamentary consultations.

As for the number and type of portfolios requested by the Lebanese Forces, he said: The portfolios will be distributed according to the parties and their representation.

President Joseph Aoun was quoted as saying that he would deal with all parties fairly and fairly, according to their sizes.

Adwan pointed out that the Lebanese Forces are the largest Christian bloc in the House of Representatives, and on this basis they will be dealt with.

In response to a question about the President of the Republic’s ministerial share, Adwan replied: My information is that President Aoun does not want ministers subordinate to him.

Regarding the position of the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, he said: We want a technical Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, who has nothing to do with politics. We did not put forward names, but several names are being talked about. The criterion is efficiency and independence of decision.

Adwan believed that the Beirut Port explosion case file would receive greater impetus with the new era, expecting the indictment decision to be issued next April.

As for implementing the ceasefire agreement, Adwan said: Hezbollah has military centers, and it must begin surrendering its weapons quickly. But if Hezbollah has not read the stage yet, then there is a problem.

He added: We want to turn the page on what they did, so let them help us turn it. Do they want us to return to opening this page? We do not want to open it out of concern for keeping our ranks together, so let them fold it, because the past practice will not be repeated. We are counting on international will, the first of which is Arab, and the second is Western, especially France and its good relations with Hezbollah.

He continued: France must be frank with Hezbollah, if it is not yet aware of the current situation and the new phase.

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