After the Manhattan court decision.. What does it mean for Trump to have a criminal record?
The Associated Press monitored some of the measures that Trump will be subjected to following his conviction.
According to the agency’s report, President-elect Donald Trump does not have to go to prison, pay a fine, or perform community service as a result of his conviction for buying silence in New York; The judge ended the case yesterday, Friday, with an unconditional release ruling, and closed the case without penalty. But unless the business records fraud conviction is one day overturned, Trump will have criminal offenses on his record; This will affect some of his rights.
Can Trump get a pardon?
Only the governor of New York has the authority to pardon Trump because of this conviction. Trump’s case was tried in state court and involved violations of state law, and a presidential pardon only applies to federal crimes.
According to the report, it seems unlikely that New York State Governor Kathy Hokul, a Democrat, will pardon Trump. When she was asked last month whether she would consider pardoning Trump, she did not say yes or no, but indicated that the pardon process requires several elements, Including “regret.”
He has the right to vote
Trump is registered to vote in Florida, and will be able to vote there; Florida bars people convicted of felony crimes from voting, but restores their right to vote after they complete their sentence.
Prohibited from possessing firearms
Under federal law, people convicted of criminal offenses are not allowed to possess firearms.
Trump must provide a DNA sample by law; Every person convicted of a felony in New York must submit a DNA sample to the state’s crime database.
Samples are collected after sentencing, usually when the defendant reports for probation or prison.
Samples may also be taken by a court or police official.
Can Trump take office while convicted of a felony?
There is nothing in federal law that prevents a person from becoming president because he or she has been convicted of a crime, and state laws vary on whether a person with a criminal record can run for state and local offices.
Can he travel outside the United States?
As president, Trump will have a diplomatic passport that enables him to travel to foreign countries on official business, and he can also hold a regular or tourist passport. (Arabic)