They agreed to elect a president who would save Lebanon

In a statement, the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian, called on the representatives to “carry out their constitutional duty by electing a President of the Republic on the ninth of this month,” and urged them to “agree among themselves to elect a president who will save Lebanon from the confusion it is experiencing, so that the nation does not sink into more chaos.” .

He warned against “any obstruction that prevents the election of the president, which causes the continuation of the presidential vacancy, which gives the Zionist enemy an opportunity to exploit political differences to undermine the unity and solidarity of the Lebanese people and expose the country to collapse.”

He stressed, “Fortifying Lebanese unity is by electing a President of the Republic to spare Lebanon the temptations from which those evil lurking in Lebanon will benefit.”

Mufti Derian described the efforts and endeavors undertaken by Arab and friendly countries as “constructive”, which gives hope for electing a president, forming a government, activating the work of state institutions, and rebuilding Lebanon again.”


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