Introductory meetings in “Finance” precedes the meeting with the IMF

The Ministry of Finance announced, “The ministry witnessed today, Monday, and will witness tomorrow, Tuesday, a series of technical meetings between the ministry and experts in it, with experts in the International Monetary Fund, although it is a continuation of the periodic meetings that take place between the two parties, but today and tomorrow it gains the importance of being the essence of cooperation with the fund, which is visited by Lebanon’s mission headed The files presented in preparation for a new agreement. ”

The ministry pointed out, in a statement, that “the meetings are at the heart of the ongoing efforts to enhance public financial transparency, to more comprehensive reforms,” ​​noting that it “is related to financial performance, preparing the public budget, discussing public debt files, financing, imports and customs ..”

She also pointed out that “the focus on financial performance evaluation deals with revenues and expenditures, reviewing the predecessors provided by the treasury, and the extent of its coverage, in addition to the progress made in preparing financial tables and cash flows to ensure transparency and enhance public resources management.”

She stated that “the research will include the research in financial expectations and financing sources, as well as the impact of wage increases on public spending, and the necessary preparations for the budget of the year 2026, and also include ways to finance reconstruction projects, specialization mechanisms and the authorities responsible for implementation.”

In particular, the ministry confirmed in its statement that the public debt situation will be reviewed, the previous data is reviewed, the external debt service and the payments due to creditors, in addition to discussing the local debt, interest payments, and the plans of financing treasury bonds.

As for the imports and customs, the meetings will discuss the efforts made to enhance tax compliance, existing and possible audit programs, and trade data, in addition to implementing decrees related to banking secrecy in the tax sector and progress made in legal reforms related to taxes and customs, and the impact of regional developments on public revenues and future expectations of financial collection.

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