New details reveal for the first time about Trump’s plan .. Melon deporting and 800,000 from Gaza

Al -Arabiya website wrote: Although US President Donald Trump has retreated during the past weeks from his previous plan on Gaza, and the displacement of residents from the destructive Palestinian sector to neighboring countries, it appears that Israel is continuing in an attempt to impose it.

On Sunday, the Israeli right -wing Israeli Finance Minister, in Salail Smotrich, revealed to the Knesset to form parliamentary pressure groups in both Israel and the United States, to work on the implementation of the Trump plan; To seize Gaza and deport its people, with a huge expansion of settlement in the West Bank.

As for the details of that plan, which was still mysterious until yesterday, it included, according to Smutrich, “the deportation of 5,000 people per day, at a rate of 7 days a week, for a whole year, or 10,000 people per day for 6 months.”

One million and 800 thousand
In a quick calculation, if we strike 5,000 with 360 days, the outcome will be one million and 800,000 Palestinians, or nearly two -thirds of the sector’s population.

However, the wind may take place as Smotrich ships do not desire, especially since the Arab countries have rejected this plan since Trump announced more than a month ago.

While during the extraordinary Arab League summit, which was held in Cairo last week, she submitted an alternative plan, to re -reconstruction of Gaza while maintaining its residents.

Smotrich said that “Trump’s plan may change the entire region.”

However, at the same time, he admitted that there are many difficulties, expected that the plan will take a very long time.

53 billion dollars
On March 4, Egypt put on the Arab summit, a plan of 53 billion dollars in order to rebuild Gaza over a period of 5 years, focusing on emergency relief, reconstruction and long -term economic development.

This alternative plan also stipulated two phases for reconstruction and the creation of a box under international supervision.

It is noteworthy that the American president had angered global, when he presented a plan to “control his country” on Gaza and turn it into “Rvira Middle East”, with the displacement of its Palestinian residents to Egypt and Jordan.

While the Arab countries united to oppose this proposal and provide alternative solutions.

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