Peace against Troika and appointments does not go through a military line

Radwan Aqbel wrote in “Al -Nahar”: Officials are concerned with the file of appointments and is not resolved so far in all the names circulated. And if President Nawaf Salam does not mind the consultations between the three presidents and denies problems between them, then he does not want to return the “Troika” scene, but rather leaves the role to the government combined.


Salam, President Joseph Aoun, will meet this week, as it starts from the base that this workshop is carried out on degrees that start from military to financial – economic to judicial and diplomacy to the administration, and that there is no escape from launching the latter except through a transparent mechanism undertaken by the Ministry of Administrative Development and the Civil Service Council. Despite the intensity of the circulation of the nominated names, starting with the military, it has not yet been done, even if it is a group in the agenda of Aoun and Salam, and the two do not mind consulting with President Nabih Berri, who says at the head His saying from the eighties that if any quota touched, he will raise his famous slogan, “Sakin, watermelon”. It is no longer hidden that Berri will stop long in front of the name of the Shiite officer who will be in the Public Security Directorate, and if he in his councils does not elaborate in this matter in order to preserve his contacts with Aoun, it does not yet seem to meet on the name of this sensitive security site that tickles the aspirations of more than a Shiite officer and withdraws the same matter on other security appointments. What Aoun will work on is to designate the best faces in the security institutions, which are indisputable and that neither of them is linked to commercial business or covering businessmen with whom they exchange common interests. Salam stresses here that he does not object to the ongoing consultations, but it works to give an advanced and transparent picture of the upcoming appointments that differ from the approaches to previous governments, where the ministers want their word to have their word in these appointments and that it is not logical according to his constitutional and judicial mentality to pass its basket with a “military line”. And if the security appointments are not yet settled, the same applies to the finances of them. In the last session between Salam and Minister of Finance Yassin Jaber, he did not discuss in a final form in the names presented to take over the ruler of the Bank of Lebanon, noting that the “Lobby -Mandaf” entered the line of recommending one of the candidates.
A peace is strictly intense here on the need for the government to provide “one financial language in front of the International Monetary Fund delegation that will be in Beirut headed by Ernesto Reago and will take on more than one ministry and will meet officials and crowned its meetings with a meeting with Jaber. A delegation from the World Bank will attend in early May.
What the prime minister intends here remains that the international financial authorities had previously heard more than one opinion from officials in Lebanon, which increases the complications and lack of clear vision. And what Salam wants here is the need for Lebanon to present a common and studied financial language that expresses the reality of the financial reality in Lebanon. In the midst of the race on the appointments, questions took place at the representative parties represented in the government at the level of the “Lebanese Forces”, for example, and their anticipation of how to deal with Christian appointments on its various locations, and whether the final word will be for the help and withdrawal of this matter on the state of the year when the peace of the plus stop at the approach of the appointments of the Druze sites. And for all these reasons and questions, peace strains that the resolution of appointments, especially the administrative ones, will be passed according to a transparent mechanism and to decide on the government table.

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