The preparations for the municipal elections were launched and agreed by Awni, my forces, Yahya, in Skinta

The Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Brigadier General Ahmed Al -Hajjar, visited the President of the Republic, Joseph Aoun, and the President of the Parliament Nabih Berri, and offered with them the ongoing preparations for the completion of the municipal and optional elections on time. The developments of the general situation, political and security developments were also presented and our affairs related to the work of the ministry.

The “Call of the National” stated that the Minister of Interior Ahmed Al -Hajjar informed President Aoun’s efforts to hold the elections on time with a plan for the destroyed southern villages, and it was agreed that there was no postponement of the elections or exceptions even to the villages of the border strip.
Al -Akhbar wrote: With the determination of the Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Ahmed Al -Hajjar, the fourth of next May, as the date for the municipal elections, the parties operated their machines to start the pulse of the towns before preparing the regulations. And because the municipal elections are only separated by one year from the parliamentary elections, the political forces find themselves compelled to avoid small regional battles before the major parliamentary battle, and the failure to enter the line of family conflicts that leave their repercussions on the parliamentary elections. Therefore, the parties seek to try to prevail in the municipal consensus, even between the forces that were never between them except fierce battles, such as the Free National Movement, the “Lebanese Forces” and the Syrian National Social Party.
The “Sharara” consensus was launched from the town of Bskinta in the northern Matn, which is the largest towns of the judiciary in terms of the number of voters, between the “forces”, the current, the national and the Al -Murr, on the recommendation of the candidate, businessman Tony Al -Hrawi, who has good relations with all parties, knowing that “the forces” and the two essential elected powers in Basta, followed by the nationalists, the Al -Murr Al -Falat and the Al -Ghanem family. Consequently, Al -Aoun -Al -Awni Al -Awnqi on any candidate will succeed in his success.
The opponents’ agreement on Al -Hrawi came after his pledge not to “use politics” and focus exclusively on development. It is also “financially comfortable”, which gave him an advantage over others after he expressed preparedness to spend on the municipality from his own pocket in light of the emptiness of the municipal fund. According to the information, a meeting was held at the Harawi’s house last Saturday, attended by MP Razi Al -Hajj and the former deputy in the Free Patriotic Movement, Eddie Maalouf and a representative of the nationalist and Salim Abu Nader (the father of the husband of the sister of Representative Michel Al -Murr) representing the Al -Murr family, and the meeting signed a “honor charter” in which they pledged to adhere to the regulations that Al -Hrawi will head in exchange for his signature to commit to limiting his efforts to the development of the development of the team Another against any election entitlement. On the other hand, the Phalanges Party is still outside the agreement until now because of two basic Arabs, according to sources in the town: The first is that the party had promised the former mayor of Basta, Tanios Ghanem, with his support, and the second is that the list presented by Al -Hrawi is “unfair” in terms of representing the brigades one out of 15, in addition to that the list includes the names “closer to the current and the nationalists.”
In the event that the battalions do not enter the agreement, the Al -Hrawi list will not win by acclamation because Ghanem and the battalions may constitute their own list, similar to what happened in the 2016 elections when the former mayor refused to agree as well. However, the difference at that time is that this list was also supported by forces, battalions, the free, and the “independent” movement and the late Deputy Michel Al -Murr, and despite that fell in front of the current -national coalition.

Al -Hajj told Al -Akhbar that “the municipalities need a development climate in which the project and the program overwhelm the accents and the liquidation of accounts, especially after 9 years of forced stopping from work in most municipalities.” He added, “We are concerned with not being made in a battle and that all families are agreed upon, especially in the event of convergence on a person with efficiency and seriousness and comes from a successful background in terms of management and technology.”
On the Phalangi prank, the party sources say that in the “evaluation and information collection stage, and did not reach the stage of decisions. Waiting for this, we lend before engaging in any list or joining any consensus. ” The information indicates that the communications are active with the brigades, especially by the “forces”, to join the consensus and avoid the repetition of the 2016 scenario of the loser, especially since the research is taking place between Ma’arab and Bakfia about the possibility of the coalition in the level of all of Lebanon, in preparation for the parliamentary elections.

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