Lebanon started the first step towards reform

The Grand Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Abd al -Latif Drian, received in Dar Al -Fatwa, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, who briefed him on the schedule of programs and projects implemented by the King Salman Center for Relief and Humanitarian Action in Lebanon, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan. 22 thousand purchasing vouchers.

The media office in Dar Al -Fatwa stated that the presentations of the King Salman relief center that were presented to the Fatwa House will be placed at the disposal of the Zakat Fund to be distributed to orphans, needy families, and the needy families approved by the Zakat Fund.

The media office stressed that “this in -kind assistance is part of the periodic aid that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is keen to support relief and humanitarian programs in many of the needy Lebanese regions and implemented by the King Salman Center in cooperation and coordination with charitable and social institutions in Lebanon.”

He pointed out that “Ambassador Bukhari confirmed during his meeting with His Eminence that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its leadership will remain in support of the march of the revival of the Lebanese state and its institutions and keen on the unity of the Lebanese and the integrity of the Lebanese territories and encouraging the hopes that began to be drawn from its features after the election of a president of the republic and the formation of a promising government.”

Drian thanked the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its wise leadership for its support and embrace of Lebanon and its people and the continuous bidding march to provide everything that helps the Lebanese in the wounds of their wounds. “The importance of cooperation between Lebanon and its Arab brothers, at the forefront The positive that accompanied this visit and its positive reflection on the Lebanese scene. He stressed that “Lebanon has started the first step towards reform, advancement, stability and activating state institutions to serve and safety of all Lebanese with their persistence and support their brothers and friends.”

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