Visit the tomb of the rabbi, the most exclusive religious excuse that leads to the entry of the militants to the Lebanese depth

“Al -Diyar” wrote: The most needed by Lebanon before the start of the process of “reform and rescue” by the Lebanese state is the liberation of the occupied southern territories, the border points that were recently introduced and occupied, and to fix the land borders to prevent the continuation of “Israeli” ambitions in controlling parts of Lebanese territory. The scene of the entry of about 250 Jewish settlers, a hardline to the hill of Al -Abbad last Friday, March 7, on the pretext of praying in front of the grave of Rabbi Ashi, as they claim, which is located at the outskirts of the town of Hala in southern Lebanon with a cover from the elements of the army, “the occupied Israeli pornographic there, and under the eyes of the“ five -year ”monitoring committee, gives a bad impression of what the border area can witness in the stage The next, is one of the most heavy “Israeli” violations and the blatant encroachments on Lebanese sovereignty.

The matter calls for an intense diplomatic campaign, according to what is said, with the aim of stopping these violations by the “Israelis” under or other religious names, and requested the application of international decisions in terms of the full withdrawal of the “Israeli” forces from southern Lebanon and ending the issue of stabilizing the land borders. The information talks about the possibility of arranging organized and coordinated visits in the coming weeks to this site, which the Jews say is the grave of Rabbi Ashi, while the southerners say that it is the grave of the guardian Sheikh Al -Abbad. And some accounts mention that it contained three graves belonging to the fences or the servants who were praying during that period on that hill, and they were called “Al -Abbad’s hill”, or perhaps returning to the daughters of the Prophet Yaqoub, according to some historical accounts, and the “Israelis” built the grave of Rabbi Ashi in the year 1949.

Feeling such violations, which may be repeated in the coming weeks, under various pretexts, will not happen through complaints to the UN Security Council, or to the observation committee within which “Israel” is entering, according to what the circles confirmed, but by expediting Lebanon’s official request to implement relevant international decisions, fix the land borders between Lebanon and “Israel” and implement the full withdrawal from Lebanese territory. The pretexts that prevented the demarcation or wild installation, no longer standing today …

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