The government must realize that diplomacy alone will not remove the occupation

The Secretary -General of the Nasserite Popular Organization, MP Osama Saad stressed on the 50th anniversary of the martyrdom of Maarouf Saad that “our people have the right to follow all means to liberate their land if the state’s institutions do not do so, and the government must realize that diplomacy alone will not remove occupation and will not be safe.”

He said: “Fifty years and mentioning you among people is difficult to forget, love and pride. Your good, pure spirit does not leave conscience and in the passion of the heart and the folds of the mind inhabits. The pain of absence, even if it is for fifty, as if it is today and every day is renewed. Do not fill the flares of the truth, and if you take time, you are a favor, a torch of the truth. Like you, and if the destiny of death is obtained from it, the lights of his struggle are backed and inspired. People have tales, known, the story of people who do not disappear. The story of a revolution against injustice and tyranny, the story of a struggle against a usurping enemy, the story of a dream of justice, freedom and dignity. A bullet is frequent from a criminal authority that wanted you as a martyr. You have become the revolution and you are the struggle and you are the beautiful meat and you became the origin of the story. You left and stayed on your revolution, your struggle and your dream. We suffer from the struggle with love and commitment as you were and wanted. Our patriotism is a university, our Arabs are progressive, our biases for the productive people, and our revolution on every sinful aggressor. Our flags are a hole, our talcies are tall, our dignity is provided and our big dreams have not and will not be broken. That is the covenant. ”

He added: “The Israeli crime and hatred did not break the will of our people. Resistors with a valiant, who did not derive them with the difference of arms from continuing the fighting, so they were martyred standing in the dignity of the homeland. Sidon is the capital of the south. At the time when our Lebanese people and our Palestinian people were paying the exorbitant bills of war, blood, destruction and displacement. America and the war was fluctuated by military and political scales. She provided the absolute military support of the aggression and managed with its diplomatic capabilities the political war. That was one of the most dangerous facts of the war. She had the facts after her. An American influence is a growing American in Lebanon and the Arab world. An American -Israeli endeavor for a great and dilapidated Arab world. Palestine is in front of a major project to liquidate its cause and displace its people. Lebanon has been subjected to a subjugation agreement and continuous attempts to impose the peace of surrender to it. The reconstruction of what the aggression destroyed is subject to political extortion. Syria is under renewable Israeli occupations, Turkish -Turkish influence, risk of chaos, turmoil and disintegration. The Arab world, with the total of the tyranny of rulers, civil wars, and new maps. Situines that the Arab peoples pay their costs of blood, displacement and ruin. The American -Israeli immorality reached its extent and the coma of the Arab rulers, which exceeded every conception. A late Arab official consistency, which may be transient, expressed by the Egyptian Arab plan to save Gaza at the last Arab summit, in response to the Trump real estate project. A plan does not have the pillars of power to achieve it. These facts are like any account. Facts that unite the progressive Arab national forces, collect their diaspora, a victory for the unity of their homelands and the dignity of their peoples.

He continued: “In Lebanon’s difficult files, the government must realize that diplomacy alone will not remove an occupation and will not be safe. Our people have the right to follow all means to liberate their land if the state institutions do not do so. Defense policy is neither borrowed nor fraudulent, nor beyond it, but rather formulates universal national revenues to liberate the land and preserves national security. Our need is urgent for national consensus and treatments for Lebanon’s difficult files.

He said: “The Azamat has exhausted our people and pushed it towards poverty, wandering and immigration. The seriousness and success of the treatment imposes decisive biases for the rights of the vast majority of our people in freedom, health, education, food, guarantees and services. The people’s confidence in the government is subject to its ability to provide the obligations of national security and social security. Do not lose the confidence of people, and if you won the confidence of the deputies and the confidence of the states. The people of Palestine, which is facing the most aggressive of a people in history, did not steal the resilience and did not resist. Victory of his cause is a national and moral duty. Greetings to his legendary steadfastness as he faces an extermination and displacement war.

He added: “Sidon is at the gates of municipal and optional elections. Elections have their importance and development necessities and services. The municipality has development, service and administrative jobs, if it is absent from them, the development of development and the services are returned. After five years of lean year, you need to change the development and service scene in its entirety. Political quota does not benefit the city and has never benefited it. Political exclusivity also does not benefit it. The municipality is not a platform for meeting political demands. It is also not a place for merit. Today, my invitation to the Sidawi youth to play roles awaiting it in the field of municipal and developmental work. To present to the city a new and different municipal scene. It is an invitation to young men and women who are free from policies and the temptations of destiny. And armed with national affiliation, enthusiasm, specialization, programs and creativity, compete for a new municipal time. Let us go beyond political tradition and launch an independent municipal work led by new generations.

He concluded: “It is known to remain in us.”

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