The Egyptian Parliament approves an agreement to transfer the convicts between Egypt and the UAE

The Egyptian House of Representatives approved the President’s Decree No. 570 of 2024 regarding the agreement to transfer the convicted of negative sanctions of freedom between Egypt and the Emirates.

The approval of the agreement came today, after the Council referred the agreement on December 17, 202 to the Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee, to prepare the report on it and the committee’s opinion ended with the non -included in the constitution, and by its compatibility with Article 151 of the Constitution and the internal regulations.

The head of the committee, Ibrahim Al -Hunaidi, said that the agreement is consistent with the constitution, laws, agreements, and related international treaties and strategy for human rights, and it has great importance in light of the important provisions and texts that come a fruit of permanent dealing between Egypt and the Emirates in the field of law and judicial to achieve criminal justice.

Al -Hunaidi considered that this agreement is one of the most important agreements of legal and judicial cooperation between countries that regulate the transfer of the convicts and aims to restore the social stability of the convict and implement the judicial ruling in the original homeland if the convict shows his desire to do so.

While MP Diauddin Dawood objected to what was included in the text of Article IV, the fifth item, the requirement of the consent of the convict to transfer him, saying that the presence of that condition empties the agreement from its content because there is no prisoner who agrees to transfer him to his homeland, and therefore the agreement will not have importance, demanding that this condition be deleted.

David added: “Those who have been forced crimes against the nation’s right and they are required to be delivered. They cannot be required to accept their approval. This item requires amendment, otherwise it is not feasible and has no effect on delivery.”

Counselor Mahmoud Fawzi, Minister of Parliamentary and Legal Affairs and Political Communication, said that this condition is a stereotype that is stipulated in most similar agreements, adding that there are unified general rules in this matter, and it has internationally recognized reasons, such as rehabilitation of the convict, alleviating the suffering of the prisoner and the suffering of his family and facilitating his visit and alleviating the burden on the country that was asked to transfer.

He stressed that the presence of that condition also carries the sincerity of the intentions in achieving justice, that the prisoner’s transfer is not forced, but rather according to his full approval.

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